
For obvious reasons, Florida has a large percentage of elderly residents. I am often contacted by family members of elderly people who have died as a consequence of negligence. However, due to certain provisions in Florida law, we are forced to turn down many wrongful death cases involving the elderly regardless of the merits of...
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As an attorney who handles a significant number of medical malpractice claims, I spend a good part of my day fielding and responding to phone calls and e-mails from people who believe they have been injured as a consequence of negligence by a healthcare provider. However, the vast majority of people I speak with do...
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According to Auto Rental News, as of 2011, there were approximately 1,760,761 rental cars in the United States. With an estimated 86.5 million visitors to Florida in 2011, there can be little doubt that our roads are besieged with rental cars. What most people do not realize is that the State of Florida does not...
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